Monday, December 28, 2009

Decluttering After the Holidays


1. Buy uniform (same size, color) boxes/bins for decoration storage – they’ll neatly stack and you’ll know what they store. Keep this number of boxes as your limit.
2. Store ornaments in shoeboxes, with tissue paper. Place the shoeboxes in a larger bin. And buy a special wreath box to keep wreaths protected.
3. Purchase a special gift wrap container. Limit the wrap you buy to what fits in it. Save space by unwrapping paper, and re-rolling it to fit inside the tube (it should fit more than one type). Cut a small piece and tape to the outside to identify. OR if you purchase only gift bags (a more eco-friendly choice), store them and new and reusable tissue paper in a long shallow bin, which should accommodate many different sizes.
4. Break gift boxes down so they store flat and take up less space. You can also store smaller boxes in larger ones.
5. Pack any extra supplies like cards, festive napkins, etc. with the rest of the holiday things.
6. Wrap lights around empty cardboard tubes to keep from getting tangled.
7. Throw old lights or tattered decorations. Keep only the decorations you love, that bring you joy. Donate the rest to a shelter or sell in a garage sale. (Less is more, and having only what is very special around you is good feng shui!)
8. Make taking the tree/other decorations down as much of an occasion as putting them up – get the family involved, listen to music, have a special treat.
9. Get one or more plastic document wallets with Velcro to keep toy and electronic instructions/warranties handy. Label the outside and either store with important papers or in an entertainment center.

Stay tuned for:
Organizing New Beginnings for the New Year

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