Tuesday, February 2, 2010

Are you stuck?

By Jessica Hoelzel

If you are feeling bogged down, frozen, weighted down or stuck, chances are clutter may be to blame. We are connected to everything we own, tied to it with invisible strands of energy. This energy could be light or it might be heavier, depending on our experience and our emotional attachments to it. Like it or not, consciously or not, everything we own and surround ourselves with has an impact on us.

Too many sentimental possessions and general clutter can cause a feeling of oppression, preventing the occupants from moving forward in life.
- Lillian Too, author of 168 Feng Shui Ways to Declutterr Your Home

So if you are feeling stuck, you may want to check out what is going on in the environment around you. Take an inventory of the state of your affairs, feng shui-wise:

What does the environment around you look like?

What does it feel like?

Listen quietly – is it saying anything to you?

What needs your attention?

Once you let go of some things that are no longer serving you, or deal with some things that may have been burdensome, you will feel lighter. You will feel like you can breathe easier, and have the space to move. Clearing clutter gives you the freedom to move again – in whatever direction you’d like to go.

1 comment:

Sandy said...

This is good, very good! And it's working thanks to you! :)