Friday, January 14, 2011

Being Prepared

By Jessica Hoelzel

There isn’t a science to defining when we’re ready for feng shui advice, in my opinion. One doesn’t have to weigh various factors such as whether this room is presentable or whether that project is done before I show up at the door.

People might think they need to have things organized to perfection and beautiful interior design displayed before my eyes. But if the house has amazing feng shui, why would they need an appointment in the first place? For me to say, “Yep, this is good. Good feng shui. Goodbye now”?

No. It’s for me to assess the space – exactly how it is right now, this very moment – before you run around stashing papers in the hall closet, before you throw everything in the garage (hoping I won’t look there).

Not being emotionally ready is the true reason some people delay making that feng shui appointment, why they feel they aren’t prepared (yet). By not emotionally ready I mean they are fearful. Fearful of looking bad or of hearing bad news.

Fear is the opposite of confidence. When people back away from their fears, look at them objectively and release attachment to them, they can be in a place where feedback, food for thought and growth is welcome.

So, back away from those fears. Breath in and feel confident. “This is my house. This is me, right here right now. I’m ready to learn how I can enhance it. Today.”

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