Monday, September 27, 2010

Making Feng Shui Work for Your Work Life: Enhancing Wealth

By Jessica Hoelzel

Shred ‘Em

Old papers, especially ones tied to the energy of struggle, despair, or loss will hold you down. These need to be released – purged if you will – in order to open up space for abundance to flow in. You’ll want to shred old papers instead of tossing them because of account and other information they contain, which could put you at risk of identity theft if they ever landed in the wrong hands. Check with an tax expert, though, before beginning your shredding party, to make sure that you are keeping records you might need for tax purposes. Some OfficeMax locations now offer secure ShredIt services. Priced very reasonably, you can drop off your papers and pay by-the-pound for them to be taken off you hands. See if yours does here:;jsessionid=u8HzzzuTCUTu62k3F0zH0Q**.atgb2c3-app4.

If you’re like my grandmother, though, you might just enjoy the satisfaction of putting the darn things through the shredder yourself. Although more time consuming when you have a bulk of things to shred, it can be very ritualistic. My grandma may not realize it, but she is doing an actual feng shui adjustment. The act of putting those things through the shredder is allowing her to consciously and unconsciously disconnect from their energy. Whether the ties to them are positive or negative, she is letting go of the past, and clearing out clutter, “zzzzzz” by “zzzzzz”.

1 comment:

Martha said...

How nice to be an example. Not only have I shredded two recycle bins full, last Thursday the Lupus Foundation picked up light fixtures, furniture, three ring binders and five bags of assorted items. Jessica is my change mentor. I still have boxes and folders full of potential shredding material. I have resurfaced many treasurers that are in the process of being reassigned to new owners. It is not my favorite thing to do, but an empty box or file is very satisfying. Grandma Martha