Monday, October 25, 2010

Making Feng Shui Work for Your Work Life: Enhancing Wealth

By Jessica Hoelzel
Are you in control of your finances?
If your financial papers are a mess, chances are your finances are too. How do you regain control? By putting things in order. Knowing what you have, and where to access information when you need it will put you in the driver’s seat with your financial matters. Here are a few simple ways to do it:

Open the mail right after you get it, and sort statements into piles: 1) to pay, 2) to file, 3) to do – for if you need to take some other action like make a call.

Have two folders to put your “to pay” statements into, one labeled “Bills due 1st -15th, and one labeled “Bills due 16th-31st”.

Create another file labeled “Taxes”. Put anything you might need at tax time in there. It doesn’t need to be organized yet, just use it as a catch-all for now. You can sort things out at tax time.

Create separate folders for your statements to go into after you pay them, or take any other action necessary. Label!

Convenient places to keep files:1) a file cabinet or drawer
2) a portable file box
3) a box with a lid
4) stacking trays
5) a vertical desktop file holder

If you get all your statements online, you can organize them in a similar way to above, on your computer. Label the electronic files just like you would paper.

Trust me, you will get a sense of satisfaction and control to know you have a handle on your financials. And keep it up!

1 comment:

The Captain said...

Good stuff, Jessica! You are wise beyond your years. Well, I'm off to the casino! (JK)