Thursday, July 14, 2011

Feng Shui for Traveling

By Jessica Hoelzel

Feng Shui While You’re Away: Tip #4

So far my tips have included things you should BRING on your trip. But what if you have very limited space? Well, you can still travel light, but have these 5 strategies on hand to improve the feng shui of your temporary space:

1) Open the shades. Seriously, there isn’t such good feng shui in a dark cave. Light can “illuminate”, “enlighten” and purify a space. Open them wide, and let light into the darkest corners.

2) Take note of the view. Take a good look out the window to get your bearings. Note where you are in relation to where you entered the building, and what surrounds you. This will help you get a sense of place.

3) Eliminate the clutter. Hotels like to set lots of things out – cards, binders, brochures. Gather them up and put them into a dresser or nightstand drawer so you can view clear space, and not be bombarded with advertisements or miscellaneous communications.

4) Move furniture. Provided it’s not nailed down or attached to the wall, you can take a little liberty to adjust things that are blocking the flow or placed at strange angles.

5) Cover the TV and/or mirror. Both are usually placed directly at the end of the bed, which can cause a lot of people to lose sleep. Cover them with a blanket or a scarf it they feel intrusive.

Happy Travels!

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