Friday, July 22, 2011

Feng Shui for Traveling

50th Blog Post!

Congratulations to ME. I have written 50 blog posts about day to day ways to enhance your wealth, health and happiness through Feng Shui. I hope you’ve enjoyed them so far...and there are only more good things to come. Keep the comments coming; I love to hear from you, and write about what you want to read. Cheers!

By Jessica Hoelzel

Feng Shui While You’re Away: Tip #5

Bring in the big guns. If you’ve tried all the tips I’ve discussed in my earlier posts, and the space you’re staying while traveling still feels off, creepy, icky, or just plain bad, you may need to do a Space Clearing. If you are sensitive person, I recommend you have one of these two things on hand when you travel: 1) a bundle of sage 2) a bottle of Palo Santo essential oil and Travel Fan Diffuser.

Burning sage and “smudging” the space with smoke is a traditional Native American way to clear negative energy, which can easily be adapted for your feng shui Space Clearing purposes. What you want to do is light a smudge stick (bundle of sage) and very intentionally walk around the space. Let the smoke go up and around and do its thing, concentrating on corners. Ask that all negative energy be cleared. Then come back to the middle of the space and take a moment to smudge the center. There, set your intention for what energy you do want to fill the space. (Be very careful not to set off the smoke detector; a small smudge stick will help keep the amount of smoke more manageable.)

If burning sage is not an option, you can also clear the space with essential oils. I sell Young Living Essential Oils, one reason being that they’re therapeutic grade, very high quality. For Space Clearing, I would recommend diffusing some Palo Santo in a Travel Fan Diffuser. Both are small things you can carry with you, which make a big difference. For a limited time, Young Living is offering a FREE bottle of Purification essential oil blend with purchase of a Travel Fan Diffuser, which would also make an excellent travel mate. It can freshen up the air in your space with a crisp scent, and even kill airborne bacteria.

Have questions about essential oils, or using them to enhance your feng shui? Want to buy something? Email me

Happy Travels!

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